Join the Athens GOP now—only $20.00 per year (Jan-Dec)
Donate more to help us support conservative causes.
Online Donation
Donations can be made to the Athens GOP through our online Pay Pal Account or by mail. If you want to pay online, please click the Donate logo at the left of the screen and fill out the necessary payment information.
Mail-In Donation
Don't like Pay Pal? No problem. You can always mail your donation to the following address:
P.O. Box 1911
Athens, GA 30603
ATTN: Clarke County Republican Committee
Membership dues are $20.00 a year. To become a member, please print the membership form below and mail it to P.O. Box 1911, Athens, GA 30603. Membership forms and money orders can also be brought to the Executive Committee at the next monthly meeting. If you have any questions or concerns, please email
Athens GOP Membership Rates
Single member.........................$20.00 a year (Jan-Dec)
Couples....................................$35.00 a year (Jan - Dec)
2. Mail application to P.O. Box 1911, Athens, GA 30603.